Spicy subreddit /r/ChurchOfBooty

About this subreddit:

Welcome to the Church of Booty, Brothers and Sisters!

In this church, we believe in the holy power and greatness of Anime Girl Butts. We welcome those that worship and are devoted to The Booty.

"It's time to give the ass the respect it deserves." —Space Dandy

New subreddit icon is from here: https://twitter.com/S888403/status/1664981678417391618


  1. 1. Characters in focus must be female and from anime/manga/games/cartoons etc. and images high quality

    Need to be fictional character art, not cosplay (there is another sub for that)

    I'm sure most of us want to see girls so we'll have it that way

    The images don't need the highest resolution or anything but they should be good quality or they may be removed

  2. 2. Content must have booty (back or side view) Should not be too thigh focused compared to butt focus

    Post can be fanart/official art/gif/ figures etc. as long as the butt is notable whether it's side or back view. Front view is okay also if the booty is well defined.

    There's plenty of booty art out there so posts that appear too thigh-focused (such as sitting ones) may be removed as they are better suited for thigh subs like r/thighdeology

  3. 3. Ecchi/light nudity (like nipples) are allowed, certain body parts & hentai is not (see for details)

    Posts can be lewd to a degree, but should not be particularly pornographic. Vulva and nipples are okay as long as the art is deemed tasteful and not too extreme. Anuses are allowed only if they don't take up much focus away from the butt in the images. Pubic hair is only allowed if barely visible. Bodily fluids are allowed depending on context

    Also, content deemed as disturbing may be removed. For example, bondage is allowed if it is relatively light, but not all the time. Same with spreading.

  4. 4. Depicted intercourse is okay only if male private parts are not/minimally visible or are obscured

    Depicted intercourse is okay only if male private parts are not or minimally visible or obscured. Basically no (visible) penises are allowed.

    Bodily fluids (with stuff like leaking and such) are allowed only if they are deemed tasteful and not vulgar within the art. If the art is deemed vulgar in other ways, such as depicting torture or something deemed too disturbing, it may also be removed.

  5. 5. Need to be properly titled, descriptive of image w/ character name spelled correctly, in English

    Titles must describe the image (don't need a lot of detail but can't be too generic like titling it "Butt" or "Nice ass") and include the character name and preferably the series (need if not a flair series) You can put the artists name if you like but is not required

    If it's an original character (not from any specific series), you can put [Original]

    Titles have to be in English as that is the main language used for this and related subreddits., though Japanese terms for example are allowed

  6. 6. Provide source link in comments to credit artist or post may be removed-Includes crossposts/albums

    Provide the source of the post in the comments. If do not know/can't find the source, leave a comment saying so and I'll try to find it.

    If no source is given after a half-hour the post may be removed.

    If crossposted from another sub, source still required

    If official art, GIF, screenshot etc. source is not needed but should say where it's from

    Need link to the art not just the artist's page

    Booru links are ok but pixiv/twitter preferred

    Link needs to work at time of post or may be removed

  7. 7. Posts should be flaired (mod will do it if you're unsure)

    Select the flair from the choices. Certain series go together such as Street Fighter with Tekken, Nintendo (as in Zelda, Metroid & Mario) & Studio Trigger anime series. If you're unsure, the mods will change it to the correct one.

  8. 8. No reposts until 36 months (3 yrs)-Includes if too similar in certain cases or a post over 800 karma

    Exception for deleted imgur posts

    There's a lot of booty art out there so we'll limit reposts to keep content fresh

    Can be allowed after 3 years. If the post is too similar or a variation on one, it may be removed also depending on its content. If they are variations with different characters, those are ok

    If the image that has been posted in an album, it may be removed if within 6 months of the album

    In addition, a post may be removed if it has previously had 800 karma or more on this sub

  9. 9. To keep variety in posts user can't post same character or artist more than 1 time over 24 hour span

    To keep variety in people's posts, users can not post the same character or artist multiple times over the course of a day (24 hour span). The exception is if it's an album with the same character/artist for multiple images in the same post.

  10. 10. Must spread out your posts, must wait an hour between posting again (maximum: 8 over a day)

    It's suggested no more than 2 posts at a time and that posts are spread out over the day (such as 2 hours) . In addition, a maximum of 8 in the general duration of a day

  11. 11. Albums posted should have a theme (such as series/character)

    Albums posted should have a theme, besides being butt pics, such as being the same character, the same series or having a similar style

  12. 12. Crossposts are allowed, but not to or from other butt subreddits due to overlap

    Crossposting is encouraged but posts in general should not be directly crossposted to or from other butt subreddits (like r/rule34ass and r/AnimeBooty) as it would be too much overlap. Other subs are fine

  13. 13. It's advised not to post paywalled content or third-party edits (edits not done by original artist)

    Since it's best to respect the artist's wishes, it is advised not to post content that is not for the general people viewing it, such as versions locked behind a patreon or such.

    In addition, third party edits should not be posted if they make noticeable substantial changes and the original exists.

  14. 14. No lolis (in the way that all the subs follow, but petite is ok) or furry content (incl. Pokemon)

    Characters/art restricted in other subs would have the same here. Petite ones are allowed, however. It depends on how the character is drawn in the art.

    Nothing against furry art in general but since people can be divided on it, it won't be allowed here. This refers to ones with animal faces. Animal-like features on other parts are ok.

    This includes any Pokemon (unless it's a human form of one), including Gardevoir

  15. 15. No AI art & some artists limited to 2 times a week (Oroborus, Shexyo, superbusty)

    I've seen a bunch of other subs do this so it'll be done here too for now. It's okay if the AI aspect is for the background and not the focus, however.

    Also, art by oroborus, shexyo, and superbusty is currently limited to only 2 times a week, since these artists puts out work very frequently and end up taking a large portion of the sub's upvotes

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