The Place, Your Place for Federally Legal High THCa Hemp Worship. Welcome to The Cult.
All posts must be related to hemp products. This includes DIY and online extracts of legal hemp products that fall within the THCa category.
Marijuana and marijuana-derived concentrates are strictly PROHIBITED and will be removed. Sourcing of Marijuana will result in a ban. Continual infraction of this code will also result in a permanent ban.
We encourage everyone to full this rule so COTF remains within reddit's TOS and keeps the community alive.
Franklin is the OG THCa hemp strain from 2019. It is the grandfather of the community and the reason why this subreddit exists.
To Slander Franklin is to slander the subreddit. Therefore there shall be no Franklin slander. It deserves the utmost dignity and respect.
Cult of The Franklin is an inclusive, social, safe environment for everyone. This includes towards new users, long-time users or OGs, vendors, and the moderators.
Maintain a civil space. Be inclusive of everyone. Value all opinions. Build an aura of respect. Do not instigate drama for the sake of instigating drama (see rule 6).
There will be NO selling of any kind by any (1) user, (2) vendor, (3) any private party within either the chatrooms of associated with the Cult nor within posts/comments/images made in the Cult of the Franklin subreddit.
This includes: - No Ads - No Sales - No Links - No Self Promotional Photos - No Coupon Codes - No Selling or Exchange in the Comments OR via DM, this includes resales.
Violations and subsequent punishment will be decided at the discretion of the moderator team.
While this subreddit is a place to share in on the beauty of Federally Legal THCa hemp, we would also like this to be a community where everyone is getting what they paid for. This includes ensuring that both vendors and shipping services are held accountable.
Valid posts with concrete proof identifying foul behavior on a Vendor or seized packages by any shipping services are no longer considered customer support.
(For Vendors) Customer Support should be via DM. Posts for CS will be removed.
Instigating drama and the deliberate spread of misinformation without the backing of concrete proof or evidence to suggest that claims being made by either users, vendors, or other parties will be considered unsolicited drama.
If there is existing drama, continuing and furthering the discussion with a lack of evidence to back up claims or have the intent of just to cause trouble in mind (i.e.) trolling, will be considered stirring the pot.
Users will be warned. If repeated, banned.
This community is built on the foundation of pioneering new ways to find/access legal THCa hemp. Going out into the web or world to find legal sources and bringing them back to the community is HEAVILY encouraged.
Additionally, the update of laws regarding hemp total THC laws, individual state mandates, and federal rulings regarding cannabis legality are welcome as well.
A flower qualifies as THCa when it has a total THCa value of more than 1%. Anything less is considered CBDa flower.
If you are under 18 years of age and actively participating in the usage of Federally Legal THCa hemp products and the posting of said products in the form of posts, comments, and pictures, you will be banned.
There will be no low effort posts allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: pictures of packaging, shipping time questions, calling out other users, complaining about the sub, etc.
This rule applies to posts that are asking about direct sourcing, such as “where can find x product” or “which vendor has the best x” this also includes individual site links, promotion codes, and other sourcing issues that are in addition to our no sales rule.
Posts or comments that are found to violate this rule will be warned with a temporary ban. Further violations can result in a permanent ban.
/r/vaporents (252.9K)
/r/cannabiscamaraderie (277)
/r/TapeGagPorn (4.0K)
/r/h0rnypr0grammer (12.5K)
/r/femcirc (7.5K)
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