Spicy subreddit /r/Dhaka_Erotica

About this subreddit:

A community to share experiences, stories and erotica. We maintain community standards for conduct and foster a healthy environment for doing so.

Break the rules, get the ban.


  1. 1. Keep it civil; includes no moral policing.

    No shaming or negative comments towards another user. Don't be an asshole. Different people are into different things, for different reasons. Respect that. You're not the moral police.

    Don't call anything fake. You can choose to believe something is real or fake, and up/down vote accordingly. Take this as a form of entertainment and move on.

    No trolling, judging, shaming, kink shaming, white knighting or concern trolling.

  2. 2. Follow Reddit's content policy.

    Follow Reddit's content policy. This includes: No involuntary pornography, no minors, no violence, no harassment, no doxxing, no spam.

    Stories linked from other sites will be removed and users posting them will be considered as spam.

    No promotion of your external site.

  3. 3. Stories and discussions are primary

    A lot of posts are asking questions (personal or otherwise) which belong in other sub-reddits. While it depends on the questions, most are not relevant to this sub-reddit.

  4. 4. No content involving minors/underage exploitation/abuse.

    We're here for healthy expression of sex and sexuality in it's many forms, but do not tolerate underage content and stories involving exploitation of minors/underage.

    This is included in Reddit's Content Policy here: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy

    Also here: https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043075352

  5. 5. No solicitation

    No offering for 'services' in the NSFW sense; while erotica may be appreciated here, we do not associate nor endorse the advertising of commercial sexual services.

  6. 6. Consensual stories only

    Posts will be removed by the mods if they contain non-consensual sexual acts.

  7. 7. No personals seeking others or requests

    This is a place for sharing erotica, confessions and discussions of sexual nature. It doesn't mean you get to spam the discussion threads with your requests.

    If need be, there are other places for that and feel free to share them for future reference. You can also PM individuals as you see fit (within Reddit's rules of course).

    Until then, we're sticking to the purpose and rules of the community.

  8. 8. No asking questions about your problems

    Discussing sex and all aspects of sexuality is fine, but asking for solutions to your own problems is not one of them.

    There are other places for that, so post there.

  9. 9. No doxing, leaking or discussing personal info and socials.

    This is a place for erotica and stories; from personal experiences or fantasy. Personally identifiable information and/or socials of people doesn't belong here.

  10. 10. No comments about validity of stories

    If you feel like a story is not true you have the right to downvote and move on. If you have PROOF that a story is fake, submit the proof to mod mail with a link to the offending story.

    If you comment about the truthfulness of a story on the story your comment will be removed and repeated rules violations will be subject to a ban.

    Remember, this is a place for a blend of fact and fiction.

  11. 11. Don't ask to post; post your story if you have one

    We're all adults here, and asking permission where you're asking people if they want to hear or not crowds up the place.

    If you have a story (real or fiction), share already. We're not the story police giving you permission to do so. People will vote up or down accordingly and you'll know then.

  12. 12. No incest


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