Anyone found to be under 18 will have their content removed and permanently banned from our subreddit family.
Content of underage people are not allowed in ANY context. (pictures, videos, drawings, stories, etc.)
2. Rule #2: Submissions must clearly show/imply BDSM
Generic porn/erotica without a clear BDSM theme will be removed.
3. Rule #3: Be excellent to each other
Rule #3: Be excellent to each other
No name calling or personal attacks
No homophobia, sexism, racism, bigotry of any kind.
No explicit or implied threats.
No doxxing/outing/name-dropping.
No shaming people for their kinks (or lack thereof).
No callout posts, naming and shaming people (Reddit users or otherwise).
4. Rule #4: No drama/baiting/trolling
Rule #4: No drama/baiting/trolling
No MGTOW, TRP, incel, etc. type of content.
No malicious baiting/trolling or purposefully inciting arguments.
No purposefully inflammatory posts.
No linking to posts or bringing up incidents from subreddits outside our subreddit family to complain about or brigade.
5. Rule #5: No advertising
Rule #5: No advertising
No spam/self promotion, repeat offenders will be banned.
No linking to personal blogs, paid content, subscription sites, or other self-promotion
No advertising outside chat groups (kik, skype, discord, etc)
No personal contact information
No requesting/offering DM's
Personal ads belong in /r/BDSMpersonals
Do not redirect users posting personal ads to /r/BDSMpersonals. Here is our explaination why
6. Tagging posts is greatly appreciated.
Unsure of how to tag your post? See our tag guide here.
7. Rule #7: No surveys
Rule #7: No surveys
No academic/research survey posts
No posting online survey results
Read our policy on surveys here.
Note: As of November 2018 we are not allowing new academic surveys to be posted. This is subject to change in the future.
8. Rule #8: All standard reddit rules apply
Rule #8: All standard reddit rules apply
Guidelines for self-promotion on reddit
9. R9: Mods will use their discretion.
Rule #9: Mods will use their discretion
Mods will take things on a case by case basis and remove posts/comments and ban users at their discretion. We reserve the right to use our own judgment and ban anyone from the subreddit or entire subreddit family if we view you as being detrimental to the community, regardless of if you break any specifically stated rule.
See here for our mod discretion policy.
10. NC tags, fictional NC only
Non-consent stories must be tagged [Non-consent/NC]
Non-consent stories may only be fictional stories.