You are welcome to post pics on your profile. Please read and follow the rules for the subreddit.
[Posts/Comments] MENTIONING SOMEONE IS OR WAS UNDER 18 IN A SEXUAL SITUATION IS PROHIBITED. Reddit's Terms of Service require this.
No begging for DMs/RolePlay, or asking to be messaged in private or on a third party app. Begging to be messaged privately detracts from the quality of the subreddit, so don't do it.
No offering to sell, trade, or share pictures/video privately. If you want to trade pics find another subreddit to do so.
No submitting the same content repeatedly. Make your submissions unique.
No advertising services like (coaching, catfishing, tributes, photoshop, deep fakes).
No advocating or normalizing incestuous breeding. Use common sense. Your fetish shouldn't take priority over a child's physical and psychological well being.
No fictional content. Do not describe real events using an erotic fiction writing style (using quotes and cheesy dialogue). Realism is what makes this subreddit great. Don't ruin it by posting fiction here. If you have a fictional story, you can post it to r/incestsexstories instead.
[Posts]: Male on male, sissy, and MTF content should go in one of the gay incest subreddits instead of here. Male on male incest is a niche interest, so it belongs in a dedicated subreddit.
[Posts]: No trying to use creative spelling/filler to get around the Automod.
No posting things about rape, extortion, non-consent, or sexual violence.
Post content must fit the theme of this subreddit.
No advertisements of any kind.
/r/Erotica (285.4K)
/r/gaysexconfessions (147.3K)
/r/NaughtyConfessions (48.1K)
/r/BiAndGayIncest (2.4K)
/r/Taboomomconfession (1.5K)
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