Community for Hotwife or Stag/Vixen couples to connect with Single Males in Georgia. Post must include a pic (face not required) your Location you are looking to meet, and what specifically you are looking for (Solo, Husband watching, participating, multiple people). Post not following these will be Deleted and you will be banned. Also any post that appears to be Spam or Paid services will not be allowed. Immediate ban will be issued.
Specific area, city, or county. Putting you are in GA is not good enough.
Any images or videos posted without the consent of the person pictured, will be removed. This applies as well if the the moderation team even suspects it might be involuntary porn.
There are other sub reddits for that.
/r/GeorgiaSwingers (78.2K)
/r/SwingerCouplesGW (221.0K)
/r/cthotwife (19.6K)
/r/ChicagoHotwife (18.4K)
/r/ALSwingers (14.2K)
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