For all those Gooners who are stoners too!
No underage or illegal content
Please stay on topic. Ideal posts make reference to both weed and gooning, but at the very least must pertain to one. This sub is not for discussing porn addiction, just sharing porn that has nothing to do with weed, or just connecting with other users.
No dick pics that make no mention weed.
Stay focused on weed, there are other drug related subs out there if that's what you are interested in as well.
No discussion or requests for illegal content or “no limits” or any equivalents, as well as low-effort “send me anything” type prompts. This also includes the words “teen” and “young”. We will err on the side of caution here.
Look, we’re a bunch of dumb stoner gooners - but that doesn’t mean you can’t put in any minimum about of effort in to the content being posted here. Keep it fun, keep it stony, keep it unique, and keep it horny.
No dick pics that make no mention of weed. Be on topic. This sub is not just for sharing pics of your dick. Please stay on topic. If you must share a pic of your dick, please try to make it a good photo. Grainy and off-putting pictures will be removed.
no non-con content of any kind.
/r/vaporents (252.9K)
/r/EvilCenti (36.4K)
/r/neutered (10.3K)
/r/TheFinDome (58)
/r/TGOONER (5.2K)
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