⚠️Specifically Male Inflation⚠️ Ranging from belly inflation, cumflation and vore to other types of inflation
This is a mature community. Posts, comments, or related content to minors will result in immediate ban and will be reported to Reddit.
All images posted should be of male or male presenting individuals. Please respect our community members.
We may not always agree, but please keep discussions and debates civil. Any comments that are insulting, unnecessarily rude, harassment, or targeting other users or communities in a negative way will be removed. Excessive and aggressive behavior may result in suspension or ban.
Posted photos must be of your original self. Modified or altered photos will not be tolerated.
Animations, cartoons, sketches, or other art must be marked accordingly using the proper flair. These posts must be your own or explicitly crediting the original author.
Removing old posts just to re-post them later or posting the same content multiple times is not welcome here and will result in your ban and posts needing mod approval.
Asking for or soliciting of up-votes, followers, transactions, services, picture trade, exchanges, encounters, locations, direct messages, or hookups will get your post removed and result in a ban.
Social media details are not to be put in your post title or description and should be left to your profile.
Discussing, advertising or directing people towards any transaction site/app account will not be tolerated. This includes directing people to your profile for more content.
/r/standingbuttpose (81.9K)
/r/maleasshole (2.3K)
/r/nipplepleasure (16.2K)
/r/SluttyChallenge (5.7K)
/r/DenverSwingerGroup (22.5K)
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