Refrain from posting raceplay content. Involuntary porn strictly forbidden.
No minors allowed. No ageplay allowed. Any reference to underage content is strictly forbidden. It will result in an immediate ban and a report to the relevant authority.
Keep in mind that this is a roleplay sub. Misogyny here is only fictional. We do not condone or support sexism in any way. Keep it a fantasy and know the limits.
Don't be a creep. Do not DM someone unless they openly ask or allow you to do so. That subreddit is the playground. If you're being harassed by a redditor from here, let the moderators know about it.
Any sort of racism, homophobia, transphobia,etc, kinkshaming, and general asshole behaviour isn't tolerated. Of course we fetishize sexism but, for all that, you're not entitled to break that rule.
As stated in rule #4, don't kinkshame, but do not try to enforce your kink either. If someone isn't comfortable with it or specifically expressed their distaste of it, it has no place in the discussion. anymore.
That sub is mostly OC Pictures (original content), don't post content from porn UNLESS it's properly captionned. If you're looking for degrading porn we invite you to check other subs out. The sub focus on OC from women but couples are fine.
Do not post content if it's not yours OR if you don't have the owner's approval.
NO creeper pics/involuntary porn
No dick pics.
Any attempt at catfishing will get you banned.
If you're a sex worker and want to post here, that's fine. But don't use that place for lazy self-promotion and make a post that fits the sub's spirit.
/r/womenSupportsMisogyny (149.9K)
/r/misogynyworld (5.2K)
/r/misogynyKINKmemes (94.6K)
/r/PRPoliticsPlay (186)
/r/MysogynyFarm (52.4K)
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