This is where you post if you're looking for swinger hookups in Ohio. PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU POST.
MaleAge/FemaleAge [R4R] #Location - YourTitle
Please Remember the "#"
Standard Rule, Please don't Break it.
The title of your post must follow this format:
MaleAge/FemaleAge [R4R] #Location - YourTitle
MaleAge/FemaleAge - Self explanatory. Put the age of the male first.
R4R - First R is what you are, and second R is what you are looking for. Replace both "R"s with "MF/F/T"
F - Female/Woman M - Male/Man T - Transgender
FAQ Misuse if single male uses FAQ to post.
All M4R posts such as M4MF are not allowed on this subreddit. Single males are encouraged to reach out to other posters directly seeking single males. Couples posting for only the male half is considered posting as a single male.
Don't use FM4XX. Automod only sees the M in the FM.
Content Creators (OF, Fansly, MV, ECT...) are allowed to post, allowed to find others to make content with but please, no direct advertsing in titles. Example: "##-[MF4MF]-OF- come over to our page for more!" OR if someone comments directly a link to their page. Asking people to message for more info is OK, but only on platform. no asking to message on snap, tele, kik for sellers.
No posts looking only to chat with other couples or doing "online play"
If a post contains images or videos, it must be OC depicting the poster. If the posted images/videos are stolen, then the account will be instantly banned. Bots, and experience from moderators are used when making these decisions. You can always verify to be unbanned in wrongly unbanned.
Please put the city where you are at. It's a 4.5-hour drive from Ashtabula to Cincinnati and some people can't go further than an hour.
Don't forget the "#" and Don't put "OHIO" in title.
Gonewild posts such as posting request for opinion or commenting on posts with your opinion is not allowed. These should be posted under /r/SwingersGW. Limited classy compliments are allowed at the discretion of the mods.
No demeaning terms or personal attacks. Mods reserve the right to remove content or restrict users' posting privileges as necessary if it is deemed detrimental to the subreddit or to the experience of others. Insulting the mods will result in a unilateral permanent ban. If you got a ban without a reason attached, this would be the reason.
The posting of personal information (Full Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Street Address, Credit/Debit Card Numbers, work, kids, family etc...) is not allowed for your own safety. Snap, KIK, Tele OK in comments only, NOT in title.
Accounts must be 14 days old to post or 5 days old to commet prevent spam.
No Spammy titles like using the words Virgin, erection, online, upvote, ECT...
Please refer to the main rule page of to review the criteria of what spam can be considered. Mods may ban according to different criteria and how severe the spam was.
If poster has multiple posts on their account or on here with different states BUT no note of traveling or just spam, post will be removed and may lead to a ban.
Please, do not post a close-up of your penis as the very first picture. They are allowed, but not as the very first one.
If you only post a picture of a penis and no one else, post will be removed as it suspected single male.
/r/daytonohiohookups (11.2K)
/r/ALSwingers (14.2K)
/r/OHSwingers (24.6K)
/r/RISwingers (9.5K)
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