posting requirements: 10 day old account and at least 25 karma.
Please read the rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable reason to break them.
This sub is dedicated to the Older Man/Younger partners relationship. Please see the "Similar Subreddits" sidebar if you are looking for anything different. Furthermore, posts without any context will be removed. No one under 30ish should be posting here looking for younger partners.
Please use the common r4r format. Age followed by a tag, your gender, the number 4 and the gender you're looking for followed by your location. Then an optional short description of what you are looking for.
Example: 45 [M4F] #South Pole - Penguin looking for his own little fish
If your title doesn't look a little like that, it will be removed.
Location, tag, and age are mandatory, online is an acceptable location.
This is a 18+ community. That should be enough said, you'd think. Sadly, it's not. If you are found to be posting while under 18 you will be banned. If you're soliciting people under 18 you will be banned and reported to the proper authorities.
There are many porn subreddits out there you can post to, please do not post them here. This means no nudity in your pictures if you choose to add one. Nudity will get your post removed. Multiple violations will get you banned. Save your genitals for private conversations. Add a face pic, or a body shot. Be sexy if you want. But if I see a dick or Bob Sandvagene it will be removed.
If you do sell on any platform we ask you use a separate account to post here if you are truly looking for a connection. If your profile has links or a post history of "premium services", onlyfans, money exchange apps or paid content you will be warned or banned depending on my mood. This includes sugar lifestyle posts either here or in your post history. (Yes, we look) There's subs dedicated to sugar life. Post there.
Posting your phone number, address, or any social media or chat app info will get your post removed. Continual infractions will see you banned. If you wish to exchange such information with another person, please do it with a private message.
Any post with reports of a user sending stolen photos will be removed and the user will be banned. Users pretending to be someone else will also be banned. Users posting ads with multiple accounts will have at least one of their accounts banned.
If someone is using your personal image to post here, please message the mods with proof and they will be banned.
If you have a bot like post history that has hundreds of copy/paste posts over a short period of time you and your posts will be removed.
There is a bot to restrict posting to once per 72. If you find a way to get around that restriction you will be banned. If you use a new account to get around any bans you will be reported to reddit admins for ban evasion and could possibly lose access to all accounts involved.
These rules can and will change as more people cause more trouble. Check on them often. Ignorance of the rules is not a good enough excuse to have broken them.
This is against reddit user policy and is taken seriously by reddit admins. If you are banned, be it temporarily or permanently and you use a different account to try to post you will be reported to reddit with all information about all involved accounts and could possibly have them all suspended from reddit as a whole.
/r/DadHadWant (6.3K)
/r/AgeGap (99.1K)
/r/AgeGapOldYoungNSFW (27.1K)
/r/AdultAgeGap (4.2K)
/r/CasualRoomies (11.2K)
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