Spicy subreddit /r/PEDs

About this subreddit:

/r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances.


  1. 1. Do not mention, discuss, or solicit sources

    Do not mention, discuss, or solicit sources. First offence is usually a temporary ban. Second offense is permanent

  2. 2. Check the FAQ

    Please make sure your topic is not already covered within this FAQ, or otherwise adds something new, takes a different approach

  3. 3. Use generic names when discussing substances

    Use generic names when discussing substances (I.e. Test e, LGD, GHRP etc.). This can include brand names of legal products to avoid shilling

  4. 4. No instruction on purchases

    Do not provide instruction about how to purchase illegal substances

  5. 5. You must be 18 or older

    You must be 18 years of age or older to view and engage in this subreddit

  6. 6. Be polite

    Basic civility is required

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