Welcome to u\best-head-ever's original PittsburghGloryholes community (now open for others to post). All the usual rules apply: accounts must be 10 days old to post; 18+ only; no illegal content (drugs, underage, trafficking, prostitution, etc.); no selling of sexual services or content; no posting more than once every 24 hours at most; no multiple user accounts; no rude behavior.
This has helped with spam, which is why we did it.
All users AND ALL CONTENT must be 18+ only. Failure to comply will result in an immediate permanent ban and report to Reddit.
Nobody needs to see your post more frequently than that. Failure to follow will result in a permanent ban.
Selling of any kind -- including in your posts/comments, profile, OR DMs/interactions with members -- is strictly prohibited. That is not the purpose of this group. Note that users ALWAYS report this type of content because it's not in line with why they're here.
Be respectful of others or get permanently banned
/r/makima (16.5K)
/r/GirlsinSchoolUniforms (179.5K)
/r/MalesMasturbating (305.4K)
/r/Georgiamilf (13.2K)
/r/Daddypics (92.5K)
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