SEXY - A GIRL or her actions which is sexually attractive, cause a stirring of sexual feelings and/or thoughts in others, is arousing. GIRLS can be described as sexy due to their physical appearance, behavior, personality, and other stuff.
Only post photos of yourself. - we require verification to be sure it's a legit real content.
Verification is required to post due to a lot of spam accounts. We don't want to turn new girls away so if you would like to have the Verified Sexy flair please follow the instructions here
Do not advertise, hint, or bait sales in the post title or on your photo. This does not apply to moderators. Titles do not create clickable links. No "check the comments" or "link in comment" titles.
Posts with overly large watermarks, advertisements, or excessive filter use will be removed. Watermark must match reddit username. Posts with advertising or other social media watermarks will be removed.
Asking for upvotes is a violation of Reddit's rules and you will be banned for it. Post quality content and the upvotes will come. Keep the titles sounding fun and sexy.
Positive, horny, or even simple emoji comments encourage girls to post more. Why would you ever be mean to a naked girl? Just enjoy yourself.
/r/nude_selfie (2.6M)
/r/OFgirlsselfies (44.1K)
/r/tommykingxxx (38.5K)
/r/UltimateSelfies (3.0K)
/r/401hookups (838)
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