A place to show your awesome smoking tricks to the rest of us. Post anything from rolling techniques to just some cool thing that makes getting high easier/better.
Do not ask for specific weed hookups. The furthest we can go is generic advice that could apply to literally anywhere on Earth such as the pizza delivery trick.
Allowed examples; 1. Does anyone have any tips on finding a new dealer 2. How do you find dealers when on holiday 3. How to find pot at college
Prohibited examples; 1. Weed links in Prague? 2. Where to look for weed in London? 3. How to find pot at Duke University
None of the following;
Bulk spam - a set of posts or comments repeated multiple times with the same or very similar text
Malicious Links
Fraudulent Reviews
Unapproved commercial activity
Approved commercial activity
Personal data is any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person
The following is a broad conception of personal data, however posts may be removed at the discretion of the mod team if considered to be breaking this rule.
-National ID number (e.g. SSN, NIN, equivalent tax identifications etc)
-Bank account numbers
-ID Document Numbers
-Credit card numbers
-Full Name
-Home Address
-Postcode/ZIP Code
None of the following;
-Directed profanity
-Hate speech
Just be chill and get along
Posts about drug tests are not appropriate for this sub. The science does not massively vary between individuals, so please consult the drug test guide in the wiki, /r/drugtesthelp, and your search engine of choice.
/r/vaporents (259.4K)
/r/cannabiscamaraderie (307)
/r/TrickedIntoIt (120.0K)
/r/SexyStoners (29.9K)
/r/Autosuck (219)
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