The Realm Of Erotic Audio is a safe and welcoming place to submit (N)SFW audio content of yourself or with your consenting partner(s). We only accept submissions of Audios and Script Offers.
The full set of rules and guidelines for r/TheRealmOfEroticAudio can be found in the Wiki. These rules are subject to change, so check regularly.
We DO NOT allow content from this subreddit to be downloaded, re-distributed or re-uploaded on other audio hosting websites. If a user leaves or removes their content they reserve the right for it to be expunged from the subreddit. If you come across what you believe to be stole content, please contact the MODS do not go to the user personally.
CROSS POSTING is allowed on this subreddit.
ALL submissions to the subreddit must be made by those above the age of 18 for people over the age of 18. If you are found to be a member of this subreddit or a enjoyer of this subreddit and are under the age of 18, you will be banned.
The mod team reserves the right to remove any content from the subreddit if they deem it applicable.
At TREA, we expect members to respect one another to maintain a safe space for adults. Please report any misconduct to the mod team immediately.
Misconduct includes:
A full investigation will be conducted for reported misconduct. If found guilty, the accused will be permanently banned.
An extensive list and reasoning of banned content and tags are in the WIKI.
Banned content includes -
Banned tags currently consist of: [futa] [futanari] [trap] [ABDL] [high school] [legal teen] [barely legal]
For reasoning and explanation please refer to the WIKI.
The limit to posting per day is 3. This for example could be a NSFW, a SFW and a script offer or a piece of art. We do recognize discrepancies that may come about due to time-zones.
You can NOT post any previews or trailers to your content unless it is part of a series you are posting to the community.
Images are NOT allowed on this subreddit, for any of the content you may post. This includes any images that are posted on any possible third party sites you use, while uploading.
For Script Fills, you must link to the ACTIVE AND PUBLIC script offer in your Script Fill post. If the post offer is removed or the user deletes their account, then you cannot fill the script. You must cite the script author in the post and mention them in the comments so they know when someone performs their work. More info found on WIKI
For Artist Posts, you must have your username or name on the piece of art to authenticate it is yours. The art is NOT to be distributed, used or sold without the artist's consent. You must cite in the post 'I declare that I am above the age of 18 and the artwork is my own,' AI content and partial AI content is banned. Any and All Artwork is required to be by the artist and the artist alone. More information to be found on the WIKI
All posts should contain: [Gender tags], [Content Tags], [Trigger Warning Tags], Tags must be in [square brackets]. Gender tags are Mandatory. Used to explain [Gender you are 4 intended gender of listener] Using the (NSFW) or (SFW) flair on reddit is also mandatory. Content tags are intended to make it easier for listeners to find you and your type of content. More information can be found on the WIKI.
Any content related to Rape, Non-Consent and Dub-Consent MUST be tagged with a [Rape] and [Dub-Con] or [Non-Consent] tag, as applicable, no exceptions. Any content with CNC as long as consent has been given within the content does not have to be tagged with the [rape] tag, but this is eligible to change in the future. The content being tagged [CNC] is MANDATORY. More information can be found on the WIKI.
We DO allow certain advertising links on post such as Ko-fi, Patreon, Ohcleo, Quinn, Commission Sheets, Throne, Subscribestar, Fourthwall, Carrd, & Link Trees. We DO NOT allow advertising of Discords, Audio Previews, Only fans, Fansly, or Pornhub. Please read wiki for more info.
ANY and ALL audio's MUST be used on the platforms stated, the reason for this is to protect minors. These websites are strictly 18+ which avoids the possibility of a minor coming into contact with your work and the subreddit. We as a subreddit take the protection of minors very seriously so we only accept audios from soundgasm,, erocast. We do not accept any other platform for this reason. For writers and artists find that in the wiki.q21
Verification IS mandatory for all creators.
If a multi-person audio is made every person in said audio, must also be verified.
If you're verifying as a performer your audio must be SFW and include a link to an audio where you state:
Your exact username and spelling. This includes any numbers or special characters. The date including Day, Month, and year. Mentioning of u/TheRealmOfEroticAudio
This goes for couples as well. Check wiki for more.
The MODS reserve the right to ban you within their means, under any and all circumstances.
You will receive a single three written mod-mail warnings if you go against the rules of this subreddit. If the MODS believe it needs to be taken to a ban level, the MODS reserve the right to do this.
The bans follow four levels,
First Ban - 1 month
Second Ban - 3 months
Third Ban - 6 months
Fourth and final ban is a permanent ban.
If you wish to submit audios of you and your partner(s) engaging in physical sexual activity together on the subreddit, please refer to the wiki on how to properly do so.
/r/pillowtalkaudio (174.3K)
/r/gwascriptguild (47.4K)
/r/gonewildaudible (183.2K)
/r/GoneWildAudioGay (116.4K)
/r/AudiosGoneWild (42.7K)
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