A place to post zoom room links and organize group meetings. Everything here is 100% free and user driven. Don't advertise here, mention money, votes, followers or anything similar. We are all new to this and are putting ourselves pretty far out there so never hesitate to reach out to the mods. Please read the rules, and Wiki before posting. Have Fun Everyone
This is a welcoming environment, and we will not tolerate toxic and rude behavior. If we get complaints from other members about your behavior, we will take actions.
There will be absolutely 0 tolerance for this, IMMEDIATE LIFETIME BAN.
I am sure we aren't the only subreddit like this, but we are trying our hardest to make this one the most welcome and comfortable one. As such we don't want specific meeting links shared outside this subreddit, or other subreddits links being shared here. Exceptions can be made by reaching out to a Mod.
Each room should have its own set of rules, you must follow them or you will be removed from the room and reported to the Mods.
Room hosts are free to run their rooms how they see fit.
We all have lives and responsibilities outside of here, don’t constantly ask to have rooms rescheduled or ask for someone to host additional rooms because you missed one. We all have schedules and lives and are doing this for fun.
Almost everyone on here wont be comfortable sharing that and can drive people away from the subreddit. If you get reported for pestering we will ban you.
Mods cant be everywhere at once so someone does something, says something or anything happens that makes anyone uncomfortable reach out the mods.
We have to be able to identify who is who in rooms, Mods can't moderate if we don’t know who’s doing what. You also cant get flairs if we don’t know who you are.
Sometimes situations will arise where we need to remove someone or something that isn’t strictly against the rules. Yes it's harsh but we are in a pretty precarious situation and most people on the rooms are taking some amount of risk, so sometimes things must be done for the benefit of the group.
Enjoy your time here, hop into some social rooms and get to know everyone. We want to foster and grow a community as much as anything else.
/r/roostercage (737)
/r/KarnatakaNSFW (12.1K)
/r/ZoomGayPnp (8.6K)
/r/celebritycutcock (104)
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