Spicy subreddit /r/askwomenadvice

About this subreddit:

This is a subreddit dedicated to asking women for advice. We welcome anyone seeking advice of a non-professional nature. Legal or medical advice is not permitted, and neither is advice on ways to get your partner to do something sexual that they're not interested in.


  1. 1. Basic Posting Requirements
    • Frequently asked questions are subject to moderator removal per their discretion
    • Posts must be seeking personal advice. Questions should be focused on OP and not on the people responding.
    • No specifying who can comment on your posts
    • Limit of 1 post/day
    • No reposting of removed content without Mod approval
    • No posts indistinguishable from fap fodder. We screen sex related posts heavily.
    • Spelling and grammar count, please use paragraph breaks and punctuation.
  2. 2. Ages and Genders required!
    • Please include ages/gender in your post title.
    • Context is everything when asking for advice-the more detail you are able to provide, the better answers you will receive.
    • Your post should be about what you can do about the situation, not crowdsourcing others opinions, not deciphering behaviors or words of others.
    • Linebreak early and often; avoid wall of text
    • Put TL;DR! - a brief summary at the end of your post. No "See title"
  3. 3. No photos, links, videos, rage comics, or hypotheticals
    • No photos, links, videos, or rage comics.
    • We will not provide feedback on your selfies or social media profiles.
    • We can only give advice on things that exist. Fake situations like the 'friendzone' will not be entertained.
  4. 4. No Feedback on Social Media Profiles, Personal Appearance,
    • We cannot help you change another person's appearance to suit your own preferences: we are all individuals.

    • Advice doesn't include providing feedback on your unique and specific body features.

    • We will not provide feedback on your social media or dating profile pictures.

  5. 5. No Asking For Mind Reading Or Why Questions
    • We can not tell you why someone said, thought, or acted the way that they did. You will need to ask them directly.
    • Speculation on another's actions is not advice.
    • This includes "Why" questions
  6. 6. No Cross-posting

    Cross posting unarchived threads to other subreddits will result in a ban. We want to respect our posters privacy and linked threads can lead to outside brigades.

  7. 7. No Pot-stirring
    • This is an advice subreddit...this is not the place to troll or antagonize posters or commenters.

    • Please report all rule breaking and trolling accounts to the moderators so that we can deal with them appropriately.

    • Meta posts/comments about other subreddit are not allowed.

  8. 8. Gift Posts/Shopping

    Gift posts are not allowed-asking for advice on a gift is basically asking for an opinion. We do not allow shopping posts for other people.

  9. 9. No Hateful Commentary
    • Gendered slurs may only be used in pertinent quotes. We enforce the same standards for gendered slurs as AskWomen.

    • We do not tolerate: Misogyny, misandry, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, racism, personal attacks, gendered slurs, graceless posts, comments generalizing gender, general assholery, or otherwise hateful commentary.

  10. 10. No Derailing

    Derailing includes but is not limited to:

    • Changing the topic from OP's question

    • Making someone else's response about yourself

    • Asking unrelated follow-up questions

    • Branching into unrelated topics

    • "What-about"-ism

    • Arguments, slap-fighting, or debating

    • Judging or rating other responses

    • Meta comments about other responses

  11. 11. No Seduction Posts

    We are not here to provide help on how to get someone to have sex with you, how to convince them to go out with you, or the best ways to put the moves on someone.

    • Asking how to ask someone out on a date is not asking for advice

    • There are no cheat codes when it comes to dating.

    • We will not allow posts that ask for advice on how to date women, how to hit on women or how to tell if a woman likes you.

    • Asking the best way to ask someone else for a date is not advice.

  12. 12. Medical Advice
    • We are not a substitute for medical/mental health advice.

    • Questions regarding birth control, pregnancy or medications should be referred to a healthcare individual. Please take your health seriously-we are not trained doctors.

    • We cannot confirm or deny pregnancy-please consult a medical subreddit or actual pregnancy test.

    • We do not allow posts asking for birth control advice, whether or not birth control symptoms are “normal”, whether or symptoms warrant seeing a professional.

  13. 13. Questions must be descriptive and open-ended
    • Questions must adequately state what is being asked
    • No close-ended: Yes/no, either/or, or options list questions If the question being asked can be answered with yes/no, it is not advice and will be removed.
    • If using uncommon terms, please define these in the description
  14. 14. No Promotional Posts Allowed

    AskWomenAdvice does not allow use of the subreddit for surveys, market research, and academic research. Post that are indistinguishable from research are not permitted.

    • No surveys, market, or academic research, or homework help

    • No posts indistinguishable from promotional material

  15. 15. No Casual or Inappropriate Usage of Medical Terminology
    • We do not allow casual or inappropriate usage of mental health related terms or diagnostic labels.

    • Do not speculate, armchair diagnose, or label other people's mental health situations or use terms for mental health issues as judgments, slurs, or synonyms for toxic/abusive behavior

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