A place for women to confer & enjoy pornography together. Men are asked to please refrain from commenting or posting.
When posting a link to a video, include an accurate description of the scene and an explanation of why you find it enjoyable and share-worthy. For request posts, give enough detail so that others can use it as a guideline for what would be a fitting recommendation. Posts without this information will be removed. See wiki for examples.
Thirst behaviour is subject to a lifetime ban. Sexual commentary aimed at another member of the subreddit creates an uncomfortable environment and will be removed. PMing a subreddit member without permission will result in a ban.
Sex-negative speech, misogyny, and comments that undermine the sexual agency of women (both transgender & cisgender) and genderqueer people will result in a ban of 30 days to life for the user, depending on severity of the comment.
Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still vote on and view Content.
Shared accounts are no longer permitted as they can cause ambiguity.
If content or comments you share are reported and you currently present yourself as male online the moderation team will recognise you as male.
We do not feel qualified or capable at the moment to manage this in any other way.
Either the content is in the list of prohibited types of content or it is not from the list but it meets one of the criteria for removal. See Content Guidelines in the wiki for prohibited types of content and criteria for removal.
Some examples of content in violation of our guidelines include- Fetishisation of youth- eg "barely Legal. Teen" Fetishisation of Race- eg "Blacked" Incest Themes- eg "stepsister. Daddy. StepMom" Consensual non Consent.
Please read the wiki for more information.
No self Promotion or requests to review content.
Select one from the drop-down menu when making a new post.
The megathread is pinned to the subreddit homepage and is updated periodically. Post your request as a comment. If you are fulfilling a request, make a new post using the “Request filled” flair.
The Moderation team have chosen to make a formal rule against the subreddit hosting content created by or including performers that we are aware have allegations made against them of abusive behavior towards co-stars.
The moderation team will research allegations before adding a performer to this list.
BLACK LISTED: Ron Jeremy. Ryan Madison. James Deen. Ramon Nomar. Riley Reid. French Brutus. Please contact the moderation team with any info or questions.
Thank you.
No DM Requests. R4R posts or Soliciting. Violations may lead to a permanent ban.
/r/coveredincum (260.8K)
/r/CircumcisedSenpai (25.0K)
/r/SafeSexPH (63.7K)
/r/Egyptianbeauty (45.4K)
/r/BBWSpread (22.2K)
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