furry porn of deers, reindeers, and other antlered beings.
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This is a deer butt sub, all submissions should feature a deer butt
This is an NSFW subreddit, not intended for anyone who is under the age of 18, or for any posts containing characters who are Perceived to be 18
Name the artist in parentheses. separate multiple artists with commas. (Artist Name)
use M for each male in the image, F for each female, and I for each androgynous character. wrap the gender tags in square brackets. no slashes. [MMF]
No advertising YCH slots, commission openings, Patreon etc. in your post's title or linked image(s). If you wish to advertise a paid service, please do so in a comment below your own post.
/r/yiffgif (132.4K)
/r/HentaiPetgirls (288.8K)
/r/HypnoFur (29.2K)
/r/FuckOutdoors (168.1K)
/r/HentaiScat (38.8K)
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