The subreddit dedicated to sex machines of all kinds.
Content must in some way be directly related to fuck machines. Either through use or discussion. Who is using the machine does not matter, only that a machine is the focus of the post. Irrelevant content will be removed. First offense will result in a 3 day ban. Second offense will be 7 days, and third offense will be a permanent ban.
Spam that is self-promotion of OnlyFans or another similar social media site is not allowed here. This is not the place for such advertisements. Giving credit is perfectly fine, but links to such sites are automatically removed, and posts for self-promotion will result in a temp ban, or a permanent ban for repeat offenders.
In order to ensure we are seeing fresh content and providing a quality subreddit we no longer allow for reposts within 2 months. Your post will be taken down, and excessive reposts will warrant further action.
/r/MotorBunny (6.6K)
/r/futureofsex (1.2K)
/r/digisexuals (881)
/r/fuckmachine (72.1K)
/r/saddlevibrator (3.8K)
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