Spicy subreddit /r/hownottomom

About this subreddit:

Welcome MILFs and MILF lovers! πŸ’‹ Follow the rules (pretty please) and use the post flairs for fun ideas. πŸ’¦ 18+ all inclusive, body positive community for all to post and enjoy. β€’β€’β€’ Must be approved by mods to post. Send a mod mail with request. β€’β€’β€’ Show some love to the posters with upvotes and positive comments. 😁 No downvotes please! Interaction is a MUST here. Don’t just post a picture and move on. Post, interact, have fun. πŸ’‹


  1. 1. NSFW - Adults Only

    This is safe community for mature adults. You must be at least 18 years of age to be approved for posting, and at least 18 years of age to comment.

  2. 2. Approved Posters Only - **UPDATED**

    You must be approved by our mod team before you are able to post. To request posting approval, please send a message via MODMAIL including the words "I know hownottomom" and we will evaluate your profile for suitability in keeping with our community rules and standards. Your account must be at least 30 days old.

    Please do not contact the mods directly via chat or PM, any requests sent via these channels will be ignored.

  3. 3. No Selling

    Sellers/content creators are welcome to post in our community, but no reference to your selling activities should be in your title or comments here. Any mention of OnlyFans, Fansly, etc will result in your post being removed and offenders may be banned.

    You may watermark your photos with your Reddit username only. No other references or text please.

    Any unsolicited contact with community members offering paid services will result in an immediate ban.

  4. 4. Interaction is *Expected* and *Appreciated*

    This is a supportive and interactive community. We welcome all who want to be a part of our little family. However, you are expected to interact here. Don't just post a picture and then ignore the comments.

    Please upvote posts and positive comments, and reply to comments left for you. We know you may be limited on time, but it only takes a second to respond with a simple thanks. Spread those positive vibes!

    Continued lack of interaction may result in loss of posting approval or ban.

  5. 5. Be Respectful and Support Others

    If you don't like something, please just move on. Do not downvote posts or comments unless they are rude or offensive. The people that post here are real people and are brave enough to share themselves with us, please be nice.

    We have ZERO tolerance for insulting, offensive, or abusive comments. Anyone caught abusing or degrading a poster or commenter will be banned.

    Please report any concerns to the mods. DO NOT engage with trolls. Just report and block them.

  6. 6. Women

    Boobs, butts, bush, and labia are all okay. Please no spread or close-up pussy shots, and absolutely no assholes! Your pussy should not be the main focus of your post.

    Do not post sex or masturbation photos or videos.

    Also, no cum or any other bodily fluids. Keep it classy please!

    Posts that violate these rules will be removed, and repeat offenders may be banned at the discretion of the mod team.

  7. 7. Men

    Men are welcome to post in our community. Please keep the pics classy, it's okay to tease showing your cock but ABSOLUTELY NO DICK PICS or pictures showing your full penis.

    Do not post sex or masturbation photos or videos.

    Also, no cum or any other bodily fluids. Keep it classy please!

    Posts that violate these rules will be taken down, and repeat offenders may be banned at the discretion of the mod team.

  8. 8. Couples

    Posts showing pictures of couples are okay, but must follow all of the sub rules. No explicit acts together (such as intercourse or blow jobs). Acts can be implied but please leave something to the imagination.

    Do not post sex or masturbation photos or videos.

    Also, no cum or any other bodily fluids. Keep it classy please!

    Posts that violate these rules will be taken down, and repeat offenders may be banned at the discretion of the mod team.

  9. 9. No Spam Posting or Crossposting

    Please don't flood Reddit with the same post across multiple subs (spam posting), no one wants to see the same post over and over again. If your picture is posted to more than 4 other subs (including your own profile page) the post will be removed and your posting approval may be revoked at the discretion of the mod team.

    Do not crosspost, it just looks ugly in the feed and will be removed in every event.

  10. 10. No Personal Information

    Do not give out information that would identify yourself, your location, or that of another member.

    Use caution when privately giving out information regarding other sites (SnapChat, Kik, Twitter, etc.).

    Do not ask others for personal information, the anonymity of our users must be respected at all times.

  11. 11. No Begging

    Please do not ask for upvotes in your post title or comments.

    Please do not ask for anything to be rated on this page. This page is not for boob ratings, etc.

    Please do not ask people to follow you.

  12. 12. Moderator Discretion

    This is our catch all - the mod team may, at it's discretion, remove any post, revoke posting approval, or ban any user for any reason at any time without further explanation.

    The bottom line - follow the rules and be nice!

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