A subreddit for some of the most interesting and unorthodox ways to cum.
Don't post or ask for anything illegal, or anything against Reddit ToS. Anything vaguely sketchy will be removed and you will be banned, so just don't post it.
No young stuff at all, we will ban and report to the relevant authorities if you post or reference anything vaguely about minors, so do not post anything like teens, loli, brace face, etc.
No involuntary porn of any kind, which includes creepshots, deepfakes, etc. No discussion of people you know IRL.
All posts must be on-topic.
Sellers are not allowed to post.
Do not post on behalf of anyone else for the purpose of advertising.
Any links or baiting titles asking for upvotes or clicks will be considered advertising.
Do not ask for requests, or request others, to perform acts, provide services, etc.
Do not ask to be fed or post pictures with text like "send me anything".
No spam of any kind. Any content which is clearly spam, low quality, or low effort will be removed.
/r/FemdomClinic (13.1K)
/r/SafeSexPH (63.7K)
/r/tommykingxxx (38.5K)
/r/gaysauna (10.8K)
/r/401hookups (838)
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