This subreddit celebrates the career of adult star, Lana Rhoades!
Only posts about Lana Rhoades are allowed here. Everything else will be removed.
Please be mindful that only approved users can post in the community. If you are seeking to post content within the rules, then message us with the password: Lana Rocks
Posting Limit: Please spread out posts (max 1 posts per 24-hour period) to prevent flooding the moderation queue.
No posting sketchy links. Also, no excessive posting. Posting several images of her over a few minutes is still spamming.
Title must provide some context of the content. Don't ask for the source in the title. You're free to do so in the comments.
Premium content is not allowed to be posted and will result in a permanent ban. Support Lana! Buy a subscription! Onlyfans
Be civil to one another. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Comments that are abusive, harassing or offensive are removed and may get you banned. If you're wondering why you're banned, this is probably why.
Posts from within three months, or that are in the top 50 of all time, will be removed.
Any posts or comments that mods feel should be removed will be removed. Please contact us through Modmail if you think otherwise and we'll hash it out.
All content must fit in below domains. (Though the community type is nsfw, there are few content which are really SFW.)
Please do not crop out or hide the watermark on the gifs/photos you submit. Please include source link in the comments
Violation of this rule lead to a permanent ban, without any notice or Warning.
/r/leggings_haven (67.3K)
/r/Dark_nipples (84.1K)
/r/Sabiha (2.2K)
/r/peta_jensen (92.1K)
/r/SummersGone (6.4K)
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