Melbourne, VIC. Post a little about what you are seeking, and who you want.
MUST WRITE! - Gender (F / M / Etc) - ‘Location’ & Brief Area of Melbourne - What it is you are wanting (M4F / F4M / M4M Etc)
Feel free to post some naughty pictures or teasers if you desire.
You must be based within Australia to join the community. Melbourne People are only allowed to post.
If you are a seller. Make sure others know this is the case. You must state no intention on meeting if you aren't.
No Posts or Comments allowed saying Telegram
Must stipulate your intention on posts. If you are not going to meet up. STATE IT. If you are only advertising. STATE IT
You must write 'Location' in the post and state a brief area of Melbourne. saying just Melbourne does not count
M4F / F4M / M4M Etc
If you are not from Melbourne, you are not allowed to post. If you are caught, you will be banned and reported
Your account must be a minimum 2 weeks old to post within the community
/r/EmilySears (8.4K)
/r/GirlsOfMelb (17.8K)
/r/GWMelbourne (39.7K)
/r/MelbourneGirls (122.7K)
/r/Melbourne_gloryholes (9.4K)
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