Spicy subreddit /r/titnosis

About this subreddit:

Titnosis is a combination of the words 'tit'- denoting the female mammary organs, also commonly referred to as boobs or breasts - and 'hypnosis' - the act of hypnotizing someone. Basically, we're a community for titty lovers.


  1. 1. Stay On-Topic

    This subreddit pertains to hypnosis provided by a female's breasts (boobs, tits, mammaries, etc. etc.) Meaning that hypnosis along the lines of say, a pendulum, feet, futa cocks, hypnotic eyes, so on, is not allowed. Focus on the chest region.

    Exceptions include if these methods are used alongside breasts in order to enhance or activate them in general Left to moderator discretion.

  2. 2. No Underage Participants

    Read More Here

    This includes context or literal indications of character age, such as:

    • Stated age of less than 18 within the posted work.
    • Attending elementary/middle school.
    • Other tropes which indicate an underage participant.
  3. 3. Provide Sources

    In either the title or comments section of your post, provide the original artist source of the post itself, whether it be Pixiv, Hypnohub, Rule34, etc. etc.

    Most of the time, saucenao.com and iqdb.org can find the image you are looking for, and if the image was lifted from Hypnohub, the artist is usually provided there.

  4. 4. No Low Effort Content

    Examples of this include:

    • Low image quality (size and/or distortion of the image) compared to original version.
    • Considerably Amateur Art
    • Titles that fail to describe the image adequately.
  5. 5. No Reposts

    Do not repost content that has already been posted by you or others that meets these requirements:

    • Content which has been posted within the last 60 days
    • Content which is already in the Top 50 all-time

    These are only examples, and this rule is enforced based on the spirit of the rule, no the letter of the law. For example, if you wait 61 days to repost something, you may face the same punishments.

  6. 6. Outrage or Brigade Signalling

    Users must refrain from posting content specifically meant to declare that others should disapprove of the posted content. This includes memes. Examples of this include:

    • References to law enforcement (FBI OPEN UP, Lolice, etc.)
    • Declarations that the character should be protected from "lewds". (NO LEWD, PROTECC, etc.)
    • Suggesting or declaring age outside of relevant discussion. (She's only X years old)

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