For lovers of girls wetting themselves.
Please understand that this is a place for pics/videos of women peeing themselves. Not for women just peeing. For that you'll want to head to /r/PeeGoneWild.
Here we want pics and videos of women wetting their panties, jeans, pants, etc.... You get the idea.... No diapers!!
NO BARE PUSSY PEE! The sole exception to this is if clothes are being pissed into, such as into panties or jeans that are pulled down. Please do not report clothes being pissed INTO, or risk being banned.
Diaper-related content is outside the scope of this niche; it is quite distinct from clothes-wetting, for which this community was founded. An appropriate place to post DL content would be r/GirlsInDiapers or r/diaperpics
Most importantly, don't be one. Don't be an asshole or a bitch either. We're here to get off to girls wetting themselves, not fight each other.
Trans content is allowed but must be marked as such (TS, trans, TG, etc) in the post title or it will be deleted.
Cis male content is not allowed. There are other subs for that, such as r/Wetting and r/ladybonerspeegw.
No advertising anything! This means no "follow me for more" "here's my kik/snapchat", or anything like that. If you have a subreddit you want to promote here, please message the mods before posting, and we will sticky a comment on your post saying that you ran it by us first and is ok.
Text posts are not prohibited, but must be reviewed and approved manually before they are visible. The majority will not be approved, so if you feel yours should be approved, please message us and let us know.
This is a place for free sharing of content. Producers of Original Content may mention their other profiles and sites in comments on their own posts, so long as the majority of what they post here is free content. "Preview" content does not count as free content. Mentioned sites or profiles must be free and cannot require signup, unless you have verified as a seller per Rule #7. Excessive or spammy advertising, or any hint at unsafe or scammy selling, may result in post removals or a ban.
Users who sell content in any form must be verified. This includes accounts using seller platforms to distribute free content. Verification does not absolve you from Rules 4 or 6. If you don't wish to verify, you may instead choose to post under a separate account without any reference to custom or pay content; it is recommended to inform the mods if you do this, so you aren't accused of stealing content. Please message the moderators if you need verified.
/r/wethair (11.3K)
/r/ClothedWatersports (6.4K)
/r/GirlsStandToPiss (18.0K)
/r/plushlove (6.5K)
/r/Pee_Princesses (7.4K)
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