We're here to admire the details of beautiful female assholes. High quality content only.
Please read the rules before posting.
Post without showing your asshole will be removed and users banned.
Post must contain a photo or gif. Text only posts will be deleted and users banned.
This is not a selling sub • Any mention of selling in the title or comments may result in a temporary or permanent ban. This includes (but is not limited to) OnlyFans, PornHub, Snapchat,Patreon, etc. •"DM for more", "Show me some love/l never get love here/for the [xx] people that will see this" and all similar baiting titles will be removed. Posting with titles similar to this may result in a ban. • Asking for upvotes in the title of your post will result in an immediate ban
This is a sub for fully visible female assholes, not for anal and sex pics or GIFs. Anal posts will be removed and users banned.
Please do not use spammy or baiting titles in your posts. Otherwise posts will be removed and users banned.
/r/Petitemarie (9.7K)
/r/JackOffToPlayboy (44.5K)
/r/kissinginterracial (21.9K)
/r/BlindCreekFL (8.8K)
/r/GayJockstrapSex (13.0K)
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