Spicy subreddit /r/canthold

About this subreddit:

If you love watching porn on Reddit but are tired of reposted Videos and GIF's everywhere. This place is for you. We post fresh porn content only.


  1. 1. No minors. 18+ only.

    NO MINORS. Do not post any person that is or looks underage. 18+ only. Submitting underage content will result in a ban and you'll be reported to reddit staff.

  2. 2. No spam

    No spam, blatant self promotion can result in a user ban. No selling or sellers of anything, anywhere.

  3. 3. Approved hosts

    All submissions must be from an approved image host (imgur, gfycat, giphy, redd.it or reddituploads). You must link directly to the image.

  4. 4. Must be a GIF or Video.

    All submissions must be a gif that contains at least suggestive nudity.

  5. 5. No disrespect, harassment, or hate speech.

    Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.

    Posts encouraging the harassment of any individual, group, or community will be removed and may result in a ban.

    We have a zero-tolerance policy on this rule

  6. 6. High quality posts only.

    Low quality content posts will be removed.

  7. 7. NO REPOST.

    NO REPOST please. Even if it's your content. This is the reason I made this sub. Re-posted posts will be removed without notifications.

  8. 8. No social media references.

    Social media links or account references will result in a permanent ban; no second chances. This includes links in the title, picture, gif, video, or comment. No Instagram, Snapchat, OnlyFans, Fansley, etc.

  9. 9. No soliciting upvotes or comments.

    No "upvote for more", "upvote if you like", "comment what you think", etc. threads are allowed.

  10. 10. No excessive watermarks.

    Keep the watermarks to a minimum. Intrusive or oversized watermarks will result in an automatic post removal. - We accept ONLY REDDIT NICKNAME WATERMARK -

    Any other watermark would result in a Irreversible Permanent Ban

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