Don't reupload other people's content; always link to the original
Especially don't reupload content that is private, paid, and/or removed by its owner
Don't ask other people to leak anything for you, via Reddit or any other means
Don't "out" anyone (e.g. personal details, "secret" suit, etc.)
Search the sub before posting to avoid duplicates
2. No Spam
Keep posts relevant to R or X-rated fursuit content: murrsuits, softsuits, lewd partialling/poodling, etc.
Don't use plain / useless / clickbait titles
Don't flood the sub with your own content
Don't post something that's already been posted before; use the search bar to check
3. Tag and Source Your Posts
Don't reupload stuff that isn't yours; find the original URL and link to it
Titles prefixed with a gender tag are encouraged (e.g. [F] = female, [mtF] = transfem, [GF] = genderfluid, [M/M] = male x male duo), but optional
Posts that have a video or GIF should also say so in the title
Tag your post with the most relevant kink or theme. Gender tags are also available.
use the "Sex" tag if actual sex is happening, unless another themed tag applies
4. No Hookup Posts
r/FursuitSex is not a dating service. To meet with Hot Local Suiters in your area, please consider using Barq, Ferzu, FetLife, Grindr, Tinder, relevant 18+ Telegram groups, con room parties, literally any other social app/site besides Reddit.
5. Limited, Reasonable Self-Promotion is Allowed
If you're a murr/softsuiter, posting your own content and linking to your own accounts is encouraged! However:
Variety and creativity is strongly advised
One post per week maximum of your own content (subject to admin discretion, based on uniqueness of post)
Posts that are too similar to your previous ones (or others') will likely be deleted (again, subject to admin discretion)
6. Be Excellent to Each Other
no trolling
no negativity
no kink-shaming
no slut-shaming
no body-shaming
no shittalk about paid content
7. No Gussing / Air-Budding
Just because it's not explicitly written down, doesn't mean it's fair game. This rule covers all future unforeseen situations not currently covered by any other rule. If you've been banned or had your post removed due to this rule, you've just caused a problem the admins didn't even know was a thing that could happen, prompting the FursuitSex community and/or its ruleset to change for the better going forward. So, congrats, I guess